SmarTest 1 | Tauricon - meradlá, meracie prístroje a stroje

dokument SmarTest_en_156-A2.pdf

SmarTest 1

The new SmarTest concept, consisting of an application and a wireless sensor, offers the perfect solution for measuring coating thickness using smartphones or tablets. Data from the sensor is transmitted via bluetooth to the mobile device.

Simple operation, there are two measurement modes:

Single value mode:

The measurement values are assessed individually. It allows you to take the coating thickness values of the object to be measured in several places and then evaluate them statistically.

Continuous mode:

After positioning the sensor, the measured values are displayed continuously. This mode is suitable for calculating the layer thickness distribution on a limited surface and for finding thin and thick parts. Measurement values calculated in continuous mode can be stored in statistics.

The device has three calibration modes.

You will also find more information in the enclosed brochure.

Třída: Professional line
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GPS: N 49° 06′ 34.83″, E 18° 19′ 34.92″


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