I-Checker 2000 inspection device

Mitutoyo je popredným svetovým výrobcom presných meracích prístrojov, ktoré ponúkajú širokú škálu produktov od mikrometrov, posuvných meradiel, odchýlkomerov až po drsnomery, kontúromery, kruhomery, či systémy spracovania obrazu.
I-Checker 2000 inspection device
- The i-Checker is specially designed for checking dial indicators, lever dial meters, cavities, electronic digital sensors and other electronic meters.
- The inspection is up to 2.5 times faster compared to previous inspection methods.
- This device achieves high accuracy and guarantees extremely reliable inspection results.
- Digital deviators equipped with a data output function are controlled with high efficiency due to the positioning of the movable shaft at control points and the recording of measurement results under fully automatic control.
- Analog types of deviation meters are checked in a semi-automatic mode, when the dial of the dial indicator is manually adjusted at each measuring point with automatic transfer of the control results and the shift to the next measuring point.
For more detailed specifications of the device, possible accessories, and necessary questions, please contact us.
More information can be found in the attached equipment prospectus.
The device is also available in our Mitutoyo Showroom.
Professional line
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