LGF100 linear encoders

Mitutoyo je popredným svetovým výrobcom presných meracích prístrojov, ktoré ponúkajú širokú škálu produktov od mikrometrov, posuvných meradiel, odchýlkomerov až po drsnomery, kontúromery, kruhomery, či systémy spracovania obrazu.
The LG100 is a very robust and economical linear gauge for in-line use and automatic machines, in combination with the EJ Counter. EH-counters can be used as well.
- The advanced construction of the plunger guidance assembly makes it very resistant to external shocks and vibrations.
- Its differential square-wave signal output allows for a wide range of applications.
- Long-lasting due to linear ball-bearings in the spindle unit.
- Repeatability of 0.3 µm.
- Narrow range accuracy: 0.5 µm (20 µm range).
- Operation temperature range: 0 - 50°C.
Professional line
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